Total Waste Treated in Tons

Everyday we treat 142 Tons From 5 Locations

Group of Companies

Welcome to Ecorich Sustainable Solutions LLP (ESSL)

Ecorich Sustainable Solutions LLP (ESSL) is working in Solid Waste Management since last four years. Currently ESSL is working with MCGM and KDMC. ESSL specilizes in handling bulk waste and converying in into bio - fuel & compost. With five of its current projects ESSL is treating 142 tons of Organic Waste Everyday; out of wbhich 5 tons of plastic is converted into oil. ESSL aspires to handle over 1000 tons of Mumbai's MSW on daily basis and is moving towards it rapidly.

200000+ Tons

Waste Collected

10000+ Tons

Converted into Energy


No. of Industries



Our Products

City Compost

We are manufacture and supplier of City Compost for our clients that is known for its optimum performance. Formulated under astute guidance of our team, this range of offered products match the organization laid quality parameters in strict strict adherence to scientific norms of manufacturing. Our manufactured products have been made available to the clients at a comprehensive price.

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Biomass Briquettes

Biomass briquettes are a biofuel substitute to coal and charcoal. They are mostly used to heat industrial boilers in order to produce electricity from steam. The briquettes are cofired with coal in order to create the heat supplied to the boiler. Biomass briquettes, mostly made of green waste and other organic materials, are commonly used for electricity generation, heat, and cooking fuel.

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Solid & Liquid Organic Fertilizer

An organic fertilizer is a plant fertilizer that is derived from organic sources. It can range from organic compost to cow manure, but they must be derived from all-organic sources. Chicken droppings from an organic farm would be considered an organic fertilizer. Other sources of an organic fertilizer include kelp, guano, bone and blood meals, molasses, and fish emulsions.

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Our Services

EPR Projects

ESSL is also working as a ‘Producer Responsibility Organization’ and providing EPR services and related compliances to various corporate organizations. Under EPR activities ESSL is handling over 100 MT plastic wastes and converting it in to granules and fuel. Currently ESSL holds the capacity to treat plastic waste of 330 MT per month.

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CSR Projects

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now an integral part of most Indian businesses. Ever since the Corporate Social Responsibility Act came into effect in April 2014, companies with a net worth of Rs 500 Crore or more are mandated to give 2% of their net profits to charity, or CSR programmes as they are called.

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